Google Removed Inbox by Gmail App from Google Play Store

Tajammul Pangarkar
Tajammul Pangarkar

Updated · Mar 20, 2019

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Google is pulling the plugs from the Inbox app made for managing the Gmail inbox. Along with the Google Plus social networking website, we will not be able to use this fantastic application and web service from 2nd April 2019. But 14 days before the official closure of the app, the visibility of the app in Google Play Store has been set to Hidden. No user can use the search function and install the app from the Google Play Store. As it is going offline soon, Google doesn’t want anyone else from current users to start using it and later get disappointed.

From yesterday, Google started showing Inbox by Gmail app users the deadline. The deadline is now 14 days as the 2nd April is the last date of using the Inbox app. The users are expected to move to the Gmail app or use any other third-party email management application. The countdown is also showing the information about the Gmail app and includes the link of Gmail app in case user want to migrate before the closing of Inbox by Gmail app.

The inbox by Gmail website is up and running, but the visibility of the application is hidden in the Google Play Store. So, if you use the search function, then you won’t find it on the play store. Although, it is not removed from the Play Store but merely hidden from public view. To install this application, the users will have to visit the Play store link of the app and then tap on the “Install” button to start the automatic download and install process. Not just the Google Play Store, but also the Google Assistant is not showing the Inbox by Gmail when asked to search for the same. Instead, the assistant is suggesting the user install Gmail application or if installed already, then to open the same.

Tajammul Pangarkar

Tajammul Pangarkar

Tajammul Pangarkar is a tech blogger that frequently contributes to numerous industry-specific magazines and forums. Tajammul longstanding experience in the fields of mobile technology and industry research is often reflected in his insightful body of work. His interest lies in understanding tech trends, dissecting mobile applications, and in raising a general awareness of technical know-how. When he’s not ruminating about various happenings in the tech world, he can be usually found indulging in his next favorite interest - table tennis.

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