Apple Not To Provide Space Gray iMac Accessories Anymore, Available Only Till Supplies Last

Tajammul Pangarkar
Tajammul Pangarkar

Updated · Jun 1, 2021

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The Space Gray era will end soon. Tech giant Apple has announced that it will discontinue Magic accessories. It said that the hue for the accessories will no longer be made available to customers. The company sold accessories like Magic Keyboards, Mice, Trackpads, and more in space gray color. It sold accessories separately. It also provided them alongside iMac Pro. Apple has already discontinued the iMac Pro. The accessories will be available in the market till the stock lasts. Apple will not supply these accessories to stores. On Apple’s store page, these accessories are available for sale for now. The company has added a message that accessories will be available while stocks last.

Apple has also told outlets that it will no longer sell the space gray accessories. The silver variants of Magic Keyboard, Trackpad, and Mouse will still be available. Apple’s aCEiMacaCE Pro was the lone Space Gray Mac. It was released in 2017 by the company. Apple had specially designed matching accessories for it. After 2017, the company started offering standalone versions of accessories. The objective was to allow the customers who purchased the aCEiMacaCE Pro and wanted matching accessories. Apple said that it has no plans to make the Space Gray peripherals. Notably, the Space Gray aCEiMacaCE Pro is no longer available.

The new M1 aCEiMacaCE is available in seven different colors. Apple introduced it in April this year. The Cupertino-based company also unveiled a new version of accessories. The Trackpads, Mice, and Keyboards are slightly redesigned. The company now provides accessories to customers only purchasing one of the new iMacs. Apple is not providing them separately. Apple had in March discontinued the iMac Pro. The model was introduced in 2017. It targeted high-end customers who needed a powerful workstation. The company flagged iMac Pro as the most powerful Mac ever built. The product is remembered as a niche computer. The discontinuation came when Apple is working on a new range of iMacs.

Tajammul Pangarkar

Tajammul Pangarkar

Tajammul Pangarkar is a tech blogger that frequently contributes to numerous industry-specific magazines and forums. Tajammul longstanding experience in the fields of mobile technology and industry research is often reflected in his insightful body of work. His interest lies in understanding tech trends, dissecting mobile applications, and in raising a general awareness of technical know-how. When he’s not ruminating about various happenings in the tech world, he can be usually found indulging in his next favorite interest - table tennis.

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